28 - 02 - 2025
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You can access the BTA30 from your smartphone via both the FiiO Music and Control Android/iOS apps (decided on using the Control App since i haven't in the past).

Once you pair the BTA30 with your smartphone via the Bluetooth menu it will be listed in the main tab of the Control App as seen above.



From the status screen you can check the current firmware version, change the status indicator pattern (default is red and green but red and blue looks better to me), enable/disable the auto-off function and turn on/off the activity LEDs (the current Bluetooth codec is indicated right over the firmware version).



Pressing on the RX/DAC shortcut at the bottom you will come up to the receive/DAC options.



Strangely enough when choosing which codecs, you'd like the BTA30 to support it says BTR3.



Same deal if you press on the TX (transmit) shortcut (by default standard and not audio quality first is chosen under the LDAC streaming quality).