17 - 05 - 2024
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yantouch eye1 reviewb

   The EyE by Yantouch is not really a brand new product since it was released almost 4 years ago but having received multiple requests by some of you (most in 2017) we decided it was time for us to take a look. In terms of audio quality the EyE does extremely well by producing clear and crisp mids and highs with a good amount of bass. Of course one single EyE may not be enough in terms of volume levels to cover a very large area (especially since at full volume we did encounter slight audio distortion) but when paired with a second their output rivals that of much larger stereo desktop speakers. We also liked the build quality of the EyE and although glass would look and feel much more "elegant" compared to plastic still we do realize that not only would it be much easier to break (depends on the type of glass used obviously) but it would also increase the weight of the speaker. Using just 9 RGB LEDs (and 8 white ones) didn't seem enough for us at first when we checked the specifications sheet of the EyE but we were proven wrong since they are surprisingly bright even under strong light (just imagine that our photo bench on which we take all our pictures is equipped with roughly 200W worth of neutral white LED lights). Battery life is also quite good and although you will probably never get even close to the advertised 10 hours we did get to cross the 6 hours mark while using the EyE at almost full volume and that's not bad for a speaker with a total of 17 LEDs. There are two things however we didn't really like about the EyE and those are its bundled remote control which feels way too cheap (and sometimes doesn't even work) and its Android/iOS app which sometimes is not what we consider responsive (and you can't use its LEDs without those).

   You can currently get the black version of the EyE1 Bluetooth Speaker by Yantouch (YTL110B) for USD75.48 (Amazon.com) and the clear version for USD99 (Amazon.com) and that’s perhaps the most significant drawback of this specific product. Sure it sounds and looks great but spending almost USD200 for a set of the clear version is a bit much for what you’re getting in return. The black version with a total cost of USD151 is much more balanced and thus is also the one we recommend getting if you’re interested. At the end of the day the EyE Lifestyle Bluetooth Speaker by Yantouch combines audio quality with impressive looks and that’s really not something we get to see every day and although certainly not perfect it’s well worth our Golden Award.



- Overall Build Quality
- Design (8 White And 9 RGB LEDs)
- Power Output (10W per Speaker)
- Remote Control
- Swiss Horn Technology (Bass Boost)
- Available With Black And Clear Top


- Price (For Some)
- Remote Control Quality
- HueDJ App Responsiveness