16 - 10 - 2024
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The Outlier Free+ and Outlier Pro+ bone conduction headphones are identical in size (137x106x44mm) and very similar in weight (30.5g for the former and 32g for the latter).



Creative has placed their logo on the exterior of the right part.



Here is where you'll find both the navigation buttons (on/off - play/pause - low latency on/off - call - bluetooth pairing, volume up/down and next/previous track) and the charging contacts (4 for the Pro+ and 2 for the Free+).



There's also an activity LED at the rear as seen above.



It may not be very easy to spot but the Outlier Pro+ has slightly larger transducers than the Outlier Free+.



The microphone is located at the front of the right transducer and in the case of the Outlier Pro+ this is where you need to insert the bundled plug.



Worth pointing out is that the lithium-ion battery pack is located on the left side of both headphones, and you just need to remove the silicon sleeve to gain access to that compartment as seen above.