02 - 06 - 2024
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oblanc nc2 3 ufob

   The first two things you will notice when using the NC2-3 U.F.O Bluetooth wireless headphones are its bulky size and the not so great quality of the media/call buttons. Of course i didn't expect Oblanc to match the quality found in other more expensive Bluetooth headsets like the REVO wireless by Jabra but still i think they could do better. Build quality aside the headphones produce a very good level of bass with clear mids and plenty of volume (no doubt thanks to the large 50mm neodymium drivers) but unfortunately the same does not apply for its highs and so while listening to my favorite pop/rock tunes i felt like something was missing. Certainly this applies with most Bluetooth wireless headsets currently available in the market so it's not something isolated to the NC2-3 U.F.O but after using the REVO for 3 months now such things are very easy to notice. One of the things we all liked was its battery life since after just 3 full recharges we managed to hit slightly over 8 hours of use at maximum volume levels (Oblanc obviously measured 10 hours of life but with less volume). The NC2-3 UFO is also quite comfortable thanks to the large leatherette ear pads although their size may not appeal to some people. We also tested the noise-cancelling microphone and although far from impressed since the people on the other end felt we were standing a couple of meters away from the headset we've seen a lot worse.


   Right now the Oblanc NC2-3 U.F.O Bluetooth Wireless Headphones retail for USD117.27 inside the USA (Purchase Directly from Amazon) but unfortunately we were unable to locate them on any of the known online stores inside the EU. So as you can see the price tag may not be low but considering that Oblanc offers a wireless Bluetooth headset with 50mm neodymium drivers and good overall build quality it's not really that much. Of course i do think that it would help Oblanc a lot if they were to drop the price of the NC2-3 U.F.O beneath USD100 but that's not really up to us to decide. Bottom line if you like the way the NC2-3 U.F.O Bluetooth wireless headphones look and you want plenty of volume and bass with good audio clarity then they just might be the right ones for you. As for us we think that Oblanc has the capability to build an excellent Bluetooth wireless headset but due to the small issues we talked about the NC2-3 U.F.O walks away with our Golden Award. 



- Build Quality (Overall)
- Design
- Available Colors (Yellow/White/Green)
- 50mm Neodymium Drivers
- Very Good Bass
- Volume Levels
- Good Mids
- Noise Cancelling Microphone




- Media/Call Button Quality
- Not So Crisp Highs
- Availability in the EU
- Price (For Some)