02 - 06 - 2024
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amp pulse 01t

A.M.P ships the Pulse wireless headphones inside a white box with the a.m.p logo and a product picture at the front.



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A small clear plastic window is placed on the right side of the box allowing the consumer to see the right earcup (good to know exactly how large the product is and how the color looks).



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The bundle contents are listed on the lower left side.





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At the rear of the box A.M.P has placed the features of the Pulse in 9 languages.



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Both the headphones and the bundle are very nicely placed inside the box as you can see from the above picture.



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The bundle is quite rich so together with the Pulse Wireless Headphones you will also get a carrying pouch, airplane adapter, 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable, USB to micro-USB cable, user's manual, warranty information paper and a product catalog.