02 - 06 - 2024
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sport wireless plus 08t

I wanted to start with the quite large Velcro armband (we used it with a 4 inch smartphone without issue) since it's not something we see with similar solutions although it can be very useful.



sport wireless plus 09t

At first glance the SPORT Wireless+ are identical to the original SPORT but after taking a closer look you will see that instead of yellow the cable is not black and instead of black the default eargels are yellow.



sport wireless plus 10tsport wireless plus 11t
The default eargels may actually offer the best audio clarity from all of the bundles ones but others keep the headset in place easier.



sport wireless plus 12t

Jabra has placed their logo on the exterior side.



sport wireless plus 13t

The activity (On/Off/Pairing) LED is placed at the rear of the right earset along with the volume/skip track controller and the FM on/off button.



sport wireless plus 14t

On the exterior of the right earset we find the play/pause/answer/call/on/off button and the 4mm omni-directional microphone.



sport wireless plus 15t

The micro-USB charging port is placed on the lower end of the interior.




Runners and athletes in general should be well aware of the endomondo application since it's amongst the very few out there that can help keep track of your activities via GPS. Compared to the free version everyone can have installed in their smartphone the pro version offered for free by Jabra for 3 months gives you access to even more features and gets rid of the somewhat annoying ads.