02 - 06 - 2024
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jabra extreme2b

   Although i started this review roughly 20 days ago i ended up using the EXTREME2 Bluetooth headset by Jabra for a total of just over 8 days 5 of which were basically my very short holiday time. Now the first thing i noticed (and so will you) is the near-excellent audio quality so the HD wideband speaker actually works as advertised (although HD mono sound is not really possible no matter how one sees it). On the other hand the extreme noise reduction technology (noise blackout) that both microphones feature worked quite well but not exactly as advertised since people on the other end could listen to background noise such as car horns (horns however are quite loud). Of course i have yet to encounter a flawless background noise filtering technology so i didn't expect miracles there to begin with. Battery-wise Jabra claims that you can speak continuously for a total of 5.5 hours when using the EXTREME2 however even after 8 complete charges I’m still unable to pass the 5 hour mark (still 5 hours in not bad at all). Finally the 2 bundled comfort eargels are very good if you are sitting still or even if you are walking but anything more than that and i really suggest using the earhooks.


   The EXTREME2 Bluetooth Headset may be one of the last devices to hit the market by Jabra but it actually doesn't cost much (quite rare for a new high end headset) and so currently you can find it for USD56.99 inside the USA (Amazon) and at around 60Euros inside the EU. True to some people even this kind of price will not sit well but let’s face it, you always get what you pay for (or at least most of the time) and so if you want crystal clear audio clarity combined with a very good background noise filtering technology then the EXTREME2 Bluetooth Headset by Jabra might be just what you've been looking for and that's why it gets our Golden Award.




- Design
- Size
- HD Wideband Speaker
- Dual-Microphones Featuring Noise Blackout Technology
- Multiuse (Simultaneous Connection With Up To 2 Devices)
- Price (For Some) 




- None