16 - 09 - 2024
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All products are packed in boxes the front of which is taken by corresponding product pictures and in some of their features.



The product specifications are printed at the rear along with contact information for Meross.



Even though the MS100F sensor is available as standalone (you can connect numerous to te Wi-Fi adapter) we of course got the MS100FH version that comes with a Wi-Fi adapter (USB cable and power plug included).



The MSL320 Pro LED strip gets shipped with its own Wi-Fi adapter, wall power plug, double sided sticker for the adapter, 5 LED strip holders and three information papers.



As expected from a desk lamp the MSL430 smart ambient light just had its wall power plug and the same information papers as the others.



meross msl430 msl320pro ms100fh msl120 review 6t

The two MSL120 LED lamps which arrived in the lab only had the papers inside their boxes.