16 - 09 - 2024
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thermal hero pastes review b

    THERMAL HERO released many thermal compounds right from the get-go and well, I don’t think I remember anyone else doing so in the past (they also released thermal pads which I didn’t test this time over). This means that they’ve essentially covered every single consumer out there from casual to gamers and even enthusiasts so that’s a good thing. That being said I was honestly expecting more, not from all their lines but at least their QUANTUM one and well, I didn’t really get that. It’s very easy to see how well the NT-H2 by Noctua does in comparison and well, that also is something I didn’t expect (yes Noctua leads the air cooling PC industry but their NT-H2 is almost 5 years in the market). The METALLIQ did deliver (again, I was expecting slightly more and well, perhaps it does in far more demanding scenarios with far higher TDPs) but the fact that it’s a lot harder to apply (your system needs to be placed horizontally since this is liquid metal) at least for me makes it less appealing compared to the NT-H2. For a first time however I do sincerely think that THERMAL HERO is on the right path.

    Currently the THERMAL HERO NEO (4g), ULTRA (4g), QUANTUM (4g) & METALLIQ (5g) thermal compounds retail for USD10/25.24/17.10/30.96 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 10.32/13.44/25.94/36.16 Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). As with most top products the METALLIQ liquid metal compound which is also the clear winner of this review/comparison costs more than the rest and well, it should be well worth it for most people. For people who are looking for the easiest application the QUANTUM comes next but with compounds like the NT-H2 by Noctua retailing for less I just don’t see the reason as to why someone would go with that instead. At the end of the day every single thermal paste in this review/comparison has its own target audience but only the METALLIQ stands out and since it more or less does deliver the performance I was hoping for it deserves the Golden Award.


- Top Performance (METALLIQ)
- Available Capacities (1/2/4/5/10/25/50g)
- Paste Gun (Extra/50g)
- Bundle


- Price (For Some)
- Performance Could Be Better (NEO/ULTRA/QUANTUM)