27 - 06 - 2024
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noctua nh d9l d12l chromax black review b

    Having already reviewed the non-chromax.black versions of both the NH-D9L and the NH-D12L just after they were released I knew more or less what to expect from both of them and well, I wasn’t disappointed. Yes, the NH-D9L was released almost a decade ago whereas the NH-D12L is roughly 2 years old but since they are targeted at different segments of the market, they still do extremely well in terms of cooling efficiency and noise levels (for their sizes always). Build quality is once again perfect and just what one would expect by a product by Noctua. Dropping support for some older sockets like the LGA2011-3 didn’t really come as a surprise to me and since they do still offer that mounting kit as extra, I don’t see a problem with that.

    Currently you can find the NH-D9L chromax.black for USD74.90 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 78.05Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) and the NH-D12L chromax.black for USD99.90 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 114.63Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). As with past chromax.black products both coolers retail higher compared to their “regular” versions but they look better and obviously fit a lot easier in all-black setups. Overall there’s nothing else I can say about either the NH-D9L chromax.black or the NH-D12L chromax.black, both perform very well without being noisy in the process and come second to none in terms of build quality so the Golden Award is as expected in order.


- Excellent Build Quality
- Compact (110mm /145mm)
- Near Excellent Cooling Efficiency (For Their Size)
- All Black Color
- Dual Fan Solution
- Noise Levels


- Price (For Some)