31 - 03 - 2025
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true spirit 140 directb

   Testing the TRUE Spirit 140 Direct by Thermalright took a couple of days longer than what we had originally scheduled since we thought our results were somehow “inaccurate” so we had to redo our tests not once but twice. The reason is because the TRUE Spirit 140 BW Rev.A slightly outperformed the TRUE Spirit 140 Direct and so when we asked Thermalright about their internal tests well let’s just say our results weren’t a precise match. Still after redoing our tests twice there’s no doubt in our minds that the BW Rev.A is just a tad better compared to the new Direct model. Of course we did expect that since the first has more fin surface than the second but at the same time we were quite interested to find out just how much the H.D.T feature would matter. That being said the difference in cooling performance is less than 2 degrees Celsius so that’s actually very good for a smaller CPU cooler (besides the BW Rev.A model has been discontinued so it’s not available). As for the TY-140 fan it produced the same low noise levels as with the BW Rev.A and other models so if you want an inaudible air cooler the TRUE Spirit 140 Direct offers that.

   Right now you can find the TRUE Spirit 140 Direct CPU Cooler by Thermalright for just USD39.99 inside the USA (Sale - Newegg) and 39.99Euros inside the EU (PC-Cooling) so yes it’s also very affordable. Overall the TRUE Spirit 140 Direct may not be the best CPU air cooler in the market today but it still offers very good cooling efficiency levels, is almost inaudible even at load and costs just as much as many “less impressive” air coolers so our Golden award is more than justified.


- Good Build Quality
- Very Good Cooling Performance
- Size (No Clearance Issues)
- Low Noise Levels
- Price (For Some)


- None