15 - 06 - 2024
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deepcool captain 120b

   It's been quite a few years since i had the opportunity to test/review the very first 120mm AIO liquid CPU coolers so when DeepCool announced the Captain 120 i was hoping for something new and quite improved. Well i can't say that this is what we got in terms of cooling efficiency but this is probably due to the fact that the 900D by Corsair which we use with our primary test rig has massive levels of airflow (10 case fans installed) CPU air coolers tend to perform better than what they would in a smaller case. Still we've been recording our results for over 3 years in this tower so that's not really an excuse more like an observation. Overall the Captain 120 performed well and if we also take into account that its cooling efficiency can improve just by having the fan suck air from the outside, the nice lighting effect coming from the pump and also the zero clearance issues with it I’d say that it works as advertised.

   Single 120mm AIO liquid CPU coolers are considered "entry-level" models so they are usually priced just right for the majority of consumers. Unfortunately as we speak the Captain 120 by DeepCool has a rather high retail value and more specifically it costs USD99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and 97Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). All things considered this is the sole drawback the Captain 120 has and a huge drawback it is. Performance is good, size is even better and it does look good especially if you happen to own a tower with a side window but with a price tag that matches the one we see with many 240mm models we don't think that there's much room for consumers to pick this instead (at least until DeepCool resolves this). Of course if money is not something that bothers you then we do recommend taking a look at the Captain 120 since we do feel it has to offer more than similar solutions. However if money is an issue and you want the best bang for your buck there are better solutions currently available.



- Build Quality
- Good Performance
- Easy Installation
- Transparent Pump



- No Control Software
- Price (For Some)