Whenever we get to test a hardware peripheral that its performance is measurable we always like comparing it with similar products (past and present) just to see how well it stands its ground against them and in order to give you the best and most accurate results possible we use several methods including 5 different benchmarking programs/suites and 1 game. The benchmarking programs used are the well-known AID64 Extreme Engineer Edition (formerly known as Everest Ultimate), the Sisoftware Sandra Pro version, the old but quite reliable ScienceMark 64Bit and the all-time classic SuperPi 1.5. As for the game we chose one that can hit very high FPS to better showcase even the slightest increase/decrease in performance between memory kits and so we are using Tom Clancy's HAWX II. As usual all tests were performed inside Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with all updates installed up to March 6th 2013.