31 - 03 - 2025
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Colorful uses a dark gray with red color combination for their BIOS and it does look nice.

As with most models out there the initial tab is part of the EZ mode and from here you can check the status of the motherboard, CPU and connected devices, set the fan speed and even OC the CPU via the EZ OC selection on the lower right corner.



Obviously from inside the OC tab found in the advanced section of the BIOS you can adjust CPU clocks, enable/disable CPU features, adjust RAM clocks and timings and of course set voltages for both.



Inside the advanced tab Colorful has placed everything else from the various connectivity options, CPU details, hardware monitor and all the motherboard features and included peripherals such as thunderbolt, USB, LAN and SATA.



You can perform BIOS updates from within the BIOS Setting tab.



Colorful also gives you the ability to change the language of the BIOS.



Once again from the exit tab you can load optimized defaults, save settings and exit or discard settings and exit.