29 - 06 - 2024
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Much like with most cases by be quiet! the Dark Base 701 has plenty of interior room.



Once again at the front you can use an 240/280/360mm radiator and thanks to the removable shroud piece thickness is not really an issue.



On the motherboard tray we find a plastic covered used both to route cables without being seen and as mounting bracket for two 2.5 drives (behind the cover).



The PSU shroud is a two piece one, top and front (front can be easily removed).



Thanks to the plastic cover used for cable routing the motherboard tray only has two more areas where you can route cables from.



Taking a look on the other side we find two more drive mounts (2.5/3.5mm, on the opposite side of the plastic cable cover), 8-port fan and ARGB controller, 2.5mm mount next to the controller, drive area (lower front, HDD bracket sold extra) and the PSU area.