12 - 06 - 2024
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antec hcg 750w gold 1t

We received the HCG 750W Gold inside a bot that has the main product features at the front right beneath the company logo, model name and power output.



On the left side Antec has placed the unit's electrical table right over drawings of the available power connectors.



All of the features are listed in detail at the rear of the box right next to a graph showcasing the 80 Plus Gold electrical efficiency.



The main product features are also printed at the base of the box in 8 languages.



As usual the PSU is placed between two thick pieces of black foam (and wrapped inside a fabric cover) while the rest of the bundle is placed next to it.



Along with the HCG 750W Gold, its fabric cover and its power cord you are also getting a cloth bags filled with modular cables, 12 cable ties, 4 mounting screws, 3 cable straps, warranty information paper and a product overview paper.