01 - 06 - 2024
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Instead of going with slim power cables EVGA chose to go with sleeved cables (for good or bad sleeving is somewhat thin so these cables are very easy to route).



The chassis of the SuperNOVA 850 G5 measures 150mm in length, 150mm in width and 86mm in height.



EVGA has placed a green grill over the 135mm fluid-dynamic bearing fan.



The electrical specifications table is placed on two stickers located on both sides of the enclosure.



A smaller sticker located on the belly of the enclosure lists the serial number and barcodes of the unit.



At the front of the unit we find the 12 modular ports which are not only different in configuration but are also tagged (and in extreme detail i might add).



Moving at the rear we find the usual honeycomb perforation right next to the power port, on/off power switch and the on/off ECO (Zero-RPM) switch.