20 - 09 - 2024
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All of the modular cables shipped with the VERTEX GX line are individually braided/sleeved, including the new 12V-2X6 power adapter.



Measuring 160mm in length, 150mm in width and 86mm in height the VERTEX GX-1000 SAKURA is your average ATX sized unit.



The 135mm fluid dynamic bearing fan sits under a unique looking grille with the SAKURA name on it.



On both sides Seasonic has placed their logo, the product line name and a large Sakura tree branch.



Once again, we find the electrical table along with numerous certifications at the base of the enclosure.



Moving at the front we find the 13 modular power ports all of which are grouped and tagged.



At the rear we find the usual perforation, on/off power switch, hybrid mode on/off button and the power port.