11 - 06 - 2024
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antec hcp 1000wb

   With the introduction of the quite excellent Quattro line of PSUs a few years back followed by the High Current Pro line consumers know what to expect when purchasing a high end model from Antec and naturally so do we. So when they announced the latest High Current Pro Platinum 1000W power supply unit we knew it would follow the highest standards in quality and performance and as clearly shown from our charts it does. The fully modular design also makes it future proof since consumers can later on purchase just the latest power cables to hit the market and be ready for all the latest mainboards, graphics cards and drives. Also with an efficiency of almost 94% (80Plus Platinum Certification) the HCP-1000 will most certainly save you quite a bit of money from the electrical bills, however in the end you will have to decide if that's enough of a reason for you to swap your current PSU. The only issue i can find with the HCP-1000 is that it only comes at 1000W (1KW) and so for people who plan on using multiple GeForce GTX Titan graphics cards or dual GTX 690's/7990's it just may not be powerful enough. Sure Antec has made it possible so people can use two HCP-1000 together but that's not really the same now is it? Still the HCP-1000 is more than enough to cover 99% of the consumers out there and that's what really matters in the end.


   As with any ultra-high end PC hardware component the High Current Pro Platinum 1000W has a somewhat high retail price tag which is currently set at USD243.84 inside the USA (Amazon) and at 210Euros inside the EU (Overclockers.co.uk). Of course at the end of the day the money required to purchase a powerful PSU like the HCP-1000 is nothing compared to the money some of the best graphics cards cost so for people who can actually put 1KW of power to good use i really don't think that such a price tag can be considered an issue. Thanks to its 80Plus Platinum Certification, completely modular design, OC link feature, rail stability and 7 years warranty the HCP-1000 is truly one of the top power supply units in the market currently and that's why it gets our Platinum Award.




- Build Quality
- Great Performance (Rail Stability)
- Fully Modular (Future Proof)
- OC Link (Can Connect Two HCP-1000s)
- 7 Years Warranty
- 80Plus Platinum Certified




- Price (For Some)
- 1KW Model Only (Currently)