01 - 06 - 2024
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hcp 1000 platinum 16t

The 135mm double ball bearing fan (12v, 0.38A) manufactured by Delta Electronics is the same exact model as the one used in the 1300W/850W models and can reach up to 2100RPM.



hcp 1000 platinum 17t

Delta Electronics is responsible for the entire High Current Pro Platinum line of PSUs (full-bridge LLC topology is present here as well).



hcp 1000 platinum 18t

For primary capacitors Delta chose models from Rubycon (made in Japan) rated for use up to 105 degrees Celsius.



hcp 1000 platinum 19thcp 1000 platinum 20thcp 1000 platinum 21t
Secondary capacitors are actually made by both Rubycon and United Chemi-Con (also rated for use up to 105 degrees Celsius).