01 - 06 - 2024
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aurum pro 1200w 14t

The 135mm hydro-dynamic bearing fan is manufactured by Power Logic and can spin up to 2400RPM with noise levels beneath 32dBA.



aurum pro 1200w 15t

Once you open the box you will immediately notice that for the Aurum Pro 1200W FSP has used just two small black aluminum heatsinks for passive cooling. However this is done because the entire enclosure is part of this passive cooling system (touches the base of the PCB with the help of a thermal pad).



aurum pro 1200w 16t

The primary electrolytic capacitors are manufactured by the Japanese Nippon Chemi-Con and are rated for use up to 105 degrees Celsius.



aurum pro 1200w 17t

Secondary capacitors are also Japanese and are manufactured by United Chemi-Con (again rated for 105 degrees).