14 - 06 - 2024
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cougar gx 1050 v3 07t

The design of the GX-1050 V3 combined with the scratch-resistant paint gives a very good overall result. In terms of size the PSU measures 160mm in length, 150mm in width and 86mm in height.



cougar gx 1050 v3 08t

Beneath the gold grille at the top we see a 140mm intake fan.



cougar gx 1050 v3 09t

COUGAR has placed its logo and the PSU line name on both sides.



cougar gx 1050 v3 10t

The electrical table is placed on a large sticker located at the base of the GX-1050 V3.



cougar gx 1050 v3 11t

All of the modular ports are color coded and tagged to avoid any possible mistakes.



cougar gx 1050 v3 12t

At the rear we see the usual honeycomb perforation, on/off switch and the power port.