01 - 06 - 2024
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aurum 92 plus 650w 06t

Flat modular cables are not something we haven’t seen in the past but it’s always a plus.



aurum 92 plus 650w 07t

Unlike the PT series the 92+ line is not fully modular (it still looks great however largely thanks to the scratch-resistant powder).



aurum 92 plus 650w 08t

Once again FSP has used a 135/140mm fluid dynamic bearing fan so nothing really new in that area.



aurum 92 plus 650w 09t

The FSP logo is placed on both sides of the housing.



aurum 92 plus 650w 10t

A large sticker placed at the base of the PSU contains the electrical table.



aurum 92 plus 650w 11t

Again perfect cable sleeving (we didn’t expect anything less).



aurum 92 plus 650w 12t

Unfortunately although the modular connectors are different in size they are not tagged.



aurum 92 plus 650w 13t

The typical arrow-like perforation is placed at the rear along with the power plug and the on/off switch.