29 - 03 - 2025
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silverstone sst st45sf 1t

The main product features are listed at the front of the box right in front of a partial picture of the product.



silverstone sst st45sf 2t

You can check the available power connectors and the electrical specifications of the ST-ST45SF from the base of the box.



silverstone sst st45sf 3t

The product specifications are printed at the rear of the box in 10 languages right next to two graphs showcasing the 80 Plus Bronze efficiency and its noise/RPM levels.



silverstone sst st45sf 4t

Packing is not perfect but the unit is not heavy so that wasn't a problem.



silverstone sst st45sf 5t

Along with the SST-ST45SF and its power cord you will also get an SFX too ATX mounting bracket, 8 screws, user manual and warranty information paper.