01 - 06 - 2024
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lepa b800 mas 01t

At the front of the box in which the B800-MAS unit arrived we see a somewhat large product image, the LEPA, ERP Lot6 and 80 Plus Bronze certified logos and the model output.



lepa b800 mas 02t

The unit’s electrical table and serial number is placed on the left side.



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Pictures of the available modular cables are present on the right side of the box.



lepa b800 mas 04t

The rear of the box is filled with the unit’s features and several pictures showcasing the available connectors.



lepa b800 mas 05t

LEPA has placed the unit inside two pieces of black foam while the rest of the modular cables are placed inside a black bag.



lepa b800 mas 06t

Along with the B800-MAS PSU you will also get the flat modular cables, a carrying bag, user’s manual, 4 mounting screws and AC power cable.