02 - 06 - 2024
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THE P34A60 512GB









silicon power p34a60 512gb review 1t

The P34A60 arrived inside a small black and blue box that has a small clear plastic window at the front from where you can see the drive.



Contact information for Silicon Power is printed at the rear of the box right next to several certification logos.



The drive follows the typical 2280 form factor (22mm in width and 80mm in length).



A long sticker at the top of the drive includes information such as the drive capacity, model name, part number and barcode.



Four 64-Layer 3D TLC NAND Flash memory modules by Micron are placed at the top of the drive (128GB each).



The SM2263XT controller is located on the other end (the other side of the PCB is "populated" in the higher capacity models).