02 - 06 - 2024
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THE VPR100 512GB









The VPR100 follows the typical M.2 2280 form factor and has a top heatsink with plastic bars for the RGB feature.



As expected, the rear of the drive has no cover, just a long sticker.



Just the two thermal pads hold the top heatsink on the PCB/modules so to remove it you just have to pull it upwards.



On the top side we see the Phison E12 controller, SKhynix DDR4 SDRAM module (512MB) and two 128GB Toshiba 3D TLCNAND flash modules.



Two more NAND flash modules are located on the other side right next to an empty NAND area (probably used with the other capacity models).



Even though for all tests i used the Z170 system i also used the X299 to double check the RGB Sync results (that being said the VPR100 does look nice).