02 - 06 - 2024
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hyperx 3k 240gb 001t

Aside the main product image the front of the box also contains information like the drive model, capacity, reported speeds (ATTO), 3 years warranty and the controller manufacturer (Sandforce).



hyperx 3k 240gb 002t

The main benefits of the HyperX 3k model are present at left side in both English and French.



hyperx 3k 240gb 003t

The supported operating systems are listed at the top of the box.



hyperx 3k 240gb 004t

At the rear you can see the bundle contents and a the two main benefits of the drive listed in 22 languages.



hyperx 3k 240gb 005t

The drive is safely located inside a piece of black foam.



hyperx 3k 240gb 006t

The bundle contains the HyperX 3k SSD, 2.5" USB enclosure, 3.5" to 2.5" bracket with screws, SATA cable, software CD (Acronis Cloning Suite) and a gunmetal blue pen-like screwdriver.