02 - 06 - 2024
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hyperx fury 240gb 07t

Unlike the previous HyperX SSD models the FURY looks a lot more like the latest V310.



hyperx fury 240gb 08t

The large sticker at the top has several certification icons, the model capacity, electrical requirements, serial number and the barcode.



hyperx fury 240gb 09t

Just like with the V310 the FURY model has the screws placed at the front right beneath the large sticker.



hyperx fury 240gb 10thyperx fury 240gb 11t
Opening the housing is very easy and as you can see on the bottom it has 8 MLC NAND flash modules each 16GB in size.



hyperx fury 240gb 12thyperx fury 240gb 13t
8 more MLC NAND flash modules are placed on the other side of the PCB along with the SandForce SF-2281 controller.



hyperx fury 240gb 14t

Kingston decided to print the SandForce name on the chip but not the controller model.