02 - 06 - 2024
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THE BX100 250GB












crucial bx100 250gb 04t

The 7mm thick BX100 is almost identical to every other SSD we've ever received by Crucial.



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Once again on a large sticker at the rear of the drive we find the barcodes, serial number, part number, capacity, electrical requirements, connectivity, country of manufacture and of course several certification and warning logos.



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At the rear we find the usual SATA power and data connectors.



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Once you open the interior you will see the empty side of the PCB which is entirely populated in the 1TB model.



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On the opposite side we find four 16nm 128Gbit Synchronous NAND flash modules by Micron, 128Mb DDR3L DRAM running at 800MHz and the Silicon Motion 4-channel SM2246EN controller.