02 - 06 - 2024
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patriot ignite 480gbb

   It's been a while since we last had an SSD by Patriot Memory so we were quite interested to see how their latest Ignite 480GB model would perform and compare against other similar solutions by other manufacturers. Well as you can see in our normal test suite the Ignite 480GB does very well and delivers on most numbers given by Patriot Memory but when we reach our heavier IOMeter SNIA tests things just don't look as good. The reason behind that is most likely the asynchronous 16nm NAND flash modules by Micron something which we were actually expecting from the moment we heard Patriot Memory chose that specific model. To be completely fair with Patriot Memory the 960GB model could perform better compared to the 480GB one thus the difference from let’s say the SSDNow KC310 model in our charts could be even smaller but we can't really be certain about that.

   Patriot Memory decided to use a Phison NAND flash controller with 16nm asynchronous NAND flash modules by Micron to keep the costs low and with a current price tag set at USD189.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and 230Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk) we think that they've achieved that at least for the larger part. Overall the Ignite 480GB may not be the fastest model in the market and it certainly isn't one we'd highly recommend to professionals who need the best constant/sustained performance through large periods of time. Still it's ideal for consumer use since not only does it score high in most tests but it's also priced just right so because of that it gets our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Very Good Overall Performance
- 2.000.000 Hours MTBF
- Feature Set
- 3 Year Warranty
- Current Price (For Some)



- IOmeter SNIA Tests Performance