Appearance-wise the SSDnow V300 240GB by Kingston is identical to the 120GB version and just like with every other SSDnow model in the market the sticker at the top contains its serial number, barcode, electrical specifications, country of assembly, firmware version and several certification and warning logos.
Again nothing on the other side (all 4 screws are located beneath the top sticker).
The typical SATA data and power connectors are placed at the rear of the drive.
8 NAND flash modules are placed on the top side of the PCB (unfortunately Kingston has their logo and part number on them so we don't know anything about them) each with a capacity of 16GB.
Another 8 NAND flash modules are placed on the other side of the PCB right next to the SandForce SF-2281 controller.
For the record our sample arrived with firmware version 605ABBF2 installed.