02 - 06 - 2024
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crucial mx300 750gb 5t

The exterior of the drive is identical to that of the previous MX lines so again nothing new to see here.



crucial mx300 750gb 6t

At the rear of the drive Crucial has placed a sticker with the serial and part numbers, barcodes, connectivity, PSID key, capacity, electrical requirements and installed firmware.



crucial mx300 750gb 7t

The usual SATA data and power connectors are placed at the rear of the drive.



crucial mx300 750gb 8t

Crucial has used a clip-on (clamp) design for the enclosure so opening it is not hard.



crucial mx300 750gb 9tcrucial mx300 750gb 10t
There are 4 NAND flash modules on the top side of the PCB each 96GB in capacity.



crucial mx300 750gb 11tcrucial mx300 750gb 12t
On the opposite side we find 4 more NAND flash modules (again 96GB in capacity each) along with an array of capacitors (power-loss protection), 1GB LPDDR3 1333MHz DRAM package (again by Micron) and the Marvell 88SS1074 4-channel controller.




You can also download Crucial’s Storage Executive software from their support page to monitor the drive and have more control over some of its features (you can check this page for more details on the software).