02 - 06 - 2024
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The all-black enclosure of the SOURCE SSD only has a yellow and black sticker at the top with its name, company logo and drive capacity.



A small sticker at the base of the enclosure contains various details about the drive including its serial number, barcode and several certifications.



At the rear of the drive we find the typical SATA data and power connectors.


Opening the drive is very easy since it's held in place with 3 small screws.



On the bottom side of the PCB we find four 3D TLC NAND flash modules by Micron (32GB in capacity each).



Moving on the top side we find 4 more 3D TLC NAND flash modules by Micron (again 32GB in capacity each) and the Silicon Motion SM2258XT quad-channel NAND flash controller.