16 - 09 - 2024
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Measuring 105mm in length, 45mm in width and 14.7mm in thickness the EXCERIA PLUS is a medium sized portable SSD.



To showcase just how large the EXCERIA PLUS is i placed it right next to the Crucial X8, Mushkin CarbonX, Lexar Blaze SL660, Sabrent Rocket-XTRMQ and Rocket Nano Rugged.



Several certifications are printed at the base of the enclosure right next to the drive capacity and a 2D barcode.



The USB-C port along with an activity LED are placed on the far left side.



After removing the 6 screws holding the enclosure together, we can see the EXCERIA M.2 NVMe 1.3 PCIe 3.0 1TB SSD and what is probably the PCIe to USB bridge chip.