The drive casing is primarily made by Zinc metal alloy and the entire drive measures 72mm in length, 21mm in height and 27mm in width.
As usually to see just how large the drive in hand is we placed it next to the ones we've reviewed in the past and as you can see although in length the Predator is not that long it is a lot thicker than most drives.
The king size blue activity LED placed at the front of the drive and right next to the Kingston logo is a nice touch.
The capacity and model are imprinted at the rear end and right next to the lanyard/keychain space.
Once again Kingston has used a retractable design for the USB plug.
To combat the fake drive market Kingston has been engraving the drive information on the USB plug many years now.
Kingston decided to use a Phison PS2251 USB to flash controller alongside with 8 of the latest 19nm toggle NAND modules by Toshiba (each 64GB in size).