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thrustmaster tflight kit x review a

   The 90's were without doubt the golden era/decade for space and flight simulator fans, especially if you happened to own a PC or an Amiga. Games like A-10 Tank Killer, F-14 Tomcat Fleet Defender, Mig-29 Fulcrum, Gunship 2000, Frontier Elite II, Flight Simulator, the entire Wing Commander Saga, Star Wars X-Wing & T-Fighter, Falcon 4.0, Janes ATF and many others defined the PC and console gaming scene of the 90's (and of course the flight and space simulator genre as a whole). Unfortunately for reasons i never did understand it took the market no less than roughly 15 years to once again start paying attention to flight and space simulator fans. So, it's really no coincidence that when Chris Roberts announced Star Citizen and Squadron 42 roughly a decade ago thousands all over the world rushed to sign up, just as they did with Elite Dangerous, DCS World, No Mans Sky and others (yes, as did i). So if you happen to enjoy space and flight simulators as much as i do the next step for optimal experience is a good stick and so today I'll be testing the T.Flight Full Kit X by Thrustmaster.

   A designer and manufacturer of interactive entertainment equipment and accessories, listed on the stock market since 1998 and a major player in the market since 1984, Guillemot Corporation (€60.9 million in 2019) focuses its activities on its two flagship brands: Hercules for the digital hardware and peripherals segment and Thrustmaster for PC and console gaming accessories. The Group is currently present in eleven countries, including France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, the United States, Canada, Italy, Belgium, China, Hong Kong and Romania, and distributes its products in more than one hundred countries worldwide, with the aim of offering high-performance and user-friendly products to maximize user satisfaction with interactive digital entertainment.

   Unlike most HOTAS sets out there which only consist by a stick and a throttle the T.Flight Full Kit X by Thrustmaster combines the T.Flight HOTAS one stick and throttle together with the TFRP rudder system (pedals) which will certainly add to the overall experience and realism of any flight and/or space simulator. As it's clear from its box (and even the name) the T.Flight Full Kit X was actually primarily designed for Microsoft's XBOX (X/S/One) console but as expected it also works flawlessly with the PC as well and so that's particularly good news if you happen to own one or both. Now the T.Flight HOTAS doesn't just feature roll, pitch, rudder and throttle controls, it also features yawn and sports a grand total of 15 buttons across both devices which you can map/configure in your favourite games. Even though as already mentioned the throttle of the T.Flight HOTAS does come with a basic rudder controller the TFRP rudder system with its S.M.A.R.T (sliding motion advanced rail track - tracks made out of industrial grade aluminum for durability and smooth sliding motion) technology and two large pedals (10 inch/25cm long - 45 EU show size) doesn't just allow for much easier and precise/accurate rudder control but it also frees up two extra buttons which you could end up using for something entirely different. Well, it's been a while since i had something similar here so let's see what Thrustmaster has been up to all this time.