09 - 03 - 2025
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gauntlet nodea

   Tablets and large smartphones (some even look like tablets) have taken a very large share of the market and according to analysts that number will increase many times over in the following years. Personally i use smartphones as intended and that's just for calls, checking my emails and surfing the web when i have no other choice and as for tablets well i don't really like using them that much and in all likelihood that will not change until manufacturers actually make tablets powerful enough to compete with laptops. Still laptops, tablets and smartphones alike use Wi-Fi connectivity and due to the limited storage capacity of the last two (tablets/smartphones) and the increasing data storage needs it was just a matter of time before someone introduced a Wi-Fi enabled external HDD enclosure in the market (much like the Kingston Wi-Drive but quite cheaper in regards to $/GB). Well Patriot did exactly that and so today we will be testing their GAUNTLET NODE Wireless Enclosure for 2.5" HDD/SSD.


   Established in 1985, Patriot Memory builds a full range of memory module and flash memory products, offering a perfect blend of quality and value. Patriot products include Extreme Performance (EP), Signature Lines (SL) and Flash Memory solutions (FM). Commitment, focus on innovation in technology, product quality, and customer satisfaction are the key enablers of our future success. Patriot's development and manufacturing facility are located in Fremont, California USA and Taipei, Taiwan. Our manufacturing segment is composed of a highly skilled production staff and multiple production lines optimized for modules, giving Patriot the ability and resources necessary to provide a full line of memory module solutions. We understand the value of designing and responding quickly and intelligently to the rapid changes inherent in the memory module industry. This commitment to R&D enables us to deliver the best quality memory modules powered by the latest innovative technology.


   Patriot currently has two Gauntlet Node versions available in the market, the standalone version which you can use with an 2.5" HDD/SSD of your choice (and which we have here today) and one fitted with an 320GB 5400RPM HDD. The Gauntlet Node also features both USB 3.0 and 2.4GHz 802.11 b/g/n connectivity so even if you don't wish to use it all the time with the WiFi turned on you can still use it via USB. Unlike normal USB usage however in order to use the device via WiFi you need to own an iOS/Android compatible device (Kindle Fire included) and install the Patriot Connect app available through App Store, Google Play and Amazon Apps something which actually simplifies things a lot. Patriot also claims that you can connect the GAUNTLET NODE to a total of 8 different devices something which sounds quite amazing although the real question is to how many devices you can simultaneously stream HD media at. Another great feature is the built-in rechargeable lithium-ion polymer battery which gives the GAUNTLET NODE autonomy for a total of up to 5.5 hours (of course you can also use it while plugged into the power socket). So let's see whether or not the GAUNTLET NODE delivers on all the things it claims.