01 - 06 - 2024
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   As some of you know we had the original F.R.E.Q.5 stereo headset tested a few months back but when Mad Catz released the colored versions (white/red) we just had to test one of those out (although we didn't expect any differences in the performance of the headset). I was hoping for the addition of control software but that wasn't the case. Still just like the original F.R.E.Q.5 the red edition performed admirably with very good audio levels, great bass and good mids/highs while its small size and light weight metal used allowed me to use it for 4 hours straight while playing Aliens Colonial Marines without issue (and a couple more playing the Dragonborn DLC). The 3 equalizer presets are also very convenient when you wish to watch a movie right after playing a game or vice versa (or even when you want to listen to music) but the lack of configuration software takes away some points. When it comes to quality the original F.R.E.Q.5 indeed featured one of the sturdiest frames i had ever seen in a headset (even though it wasn't entirely made out of metal) and the red version is exactly the same, however the glossy exterior (along with the color choice) may not appeal to everyone. Personally i think that due to the glossy red Toshiba Qosmio owners have finally found the best headset to accompany their laptops (i know i have).


   The F.R.E.Q.5 Red stereo gaming headset by Mad Catz currently retails for around USD150 inside the USA and 130Euros inside the EU and just like the black version (and the white) the price is its only real drawback. Certainly you always get what you pay for (or at least most of the times) so naturally Mad Catz had to set a high price since we are talking about a very good gaming headset in both audio clarity and build quality. However as stated before with several surround headsets in the market currently at around the same price point (and with countless virtual ones for even less) it will be hard for gamers to choose a stereo headset regardless of performance and quality (especially since not everyone reads reviews to see how a headset performs). Overall however the F.R.E.Q.5 is very good headset and even if Mad Catz doesn't cut down the price a bit as recommended by us it still comes highly recommended by us and still gets our Golden Award.



- Build Quality (Metal Body)
- Audio Clarity
- 3 EQ Presets
- Detachable Noise Cancelling Microphone
- Size
- Design
- Comfortable
- USB and 3.5" Cables




- Price (For Some)
- No Control Software
- Glossy Exterior And Color May Not Appeal To Everyone