15 - 06 - 2024
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ozone onda st 05t

The ONDA ST stereo gaming headset is not only very light weighing just over 300g but it’s also small and looks nice.



ozone onda st 06t

To showcase just how small the ONDA ST is we placed it right next to our favorite Jabra REVO wireless headset.



ozone onda st 07t

Both the company name and logo are placed on the exterior of both earcups.



ozone onda st 08t

On the lower front end of the left earcup we see the microphone port.



ozone onda st 09tozone onda st 10t
As you can see the Omni-directional microphone is quite flexible (not as flexible as some others but that's not something you will need).



ozone onda st 11t

L/R markers are placed in the interior above each earcup.



ozone onda st 12tozone onda st 13t
Through 8 increments on each side the headband expands a total of 3cm on each side.



ozone onda st 14t

The ONDA ST also features large and soft cushions which are quite comfortable (certainly not the best we've seen).



ozone onda st 16t

As mentioned previously the headpad is very thick and soft so it should be quite comfortable.



ozone onda st 15t

The product name is placed ontop of the headpad.



ozone onda st 17t

Via the in-line controller you can mute the microphone and adjust the volume levels of the stereo drivers.



ozone onda st 18t

Now what i didn't expect with the ONDA ST (since it's an entry level headset) was to see a braided cable paired with gold plated 3.5mm jacks but i was wrong so kudos to OZONE for that.