15 - 06 - 2024
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diablo 3 headset 008t

Red and black has always been the best color combination for me (even my car has black/red leather interior) so the Diablo III headset felt right at home from the very beginning.



diablo 3 headset 009t

During testing i couldn't decide whether the exterior of both headphones looked to me more like a pair of gauntlets or the two sides of a helmet (bottom line they look great). LED lights are placed behind both the earcups and the number III carved on each side.



diablo 3 headset 010tdiablo 3 headset 011t
The retractable smart noise-cancelling uni-directional microphone is placed in the left earcup and as you can see it's quite flexible (much like the one of the Siberia V2 headsets).



diablo 3 headset 012t

The leatherette earcups are not only very comfortable but also large enough to surround almost every ear size available.



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As you can see the Diablo III headset features the same suspension design as the Siberia V2 model allowing it to auto-adjust its length according to the person who wears it.



diablo 3 headset 015t

The headband may not be very thick but it's very soft and comfortable thanks to the suspension design.



diablo 3 headset 016t

Instead of the SteelSeries logo the top of the headband features the Diablo logo written with the classic medieval font.



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Just like the Diablo 3 mouse the headset also features a nice red and black braided cable.



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The in-line audio volume controller also features a convenient microphone mute button.



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At the end of the cable we see the soundcard and the gold USB plug.



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I was unable to capture the lighting effect in all its glory but even so it still looks great.