02 - 06 - 2024
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durandal ultimate 08t

Most of the keyboard looks like most mechanical ones in the market but thanks to some "extras" by Tesoro (specifically the LED area) it's actually quite better than most. Size-wise it measures 455mm in length, 206mm in width and 43.4mm in height with a weight of 1.4kg.



durandal ultimate 09t

The company logo is placed right in the middle of the lowest end.



durandal ultimate 10tdurandal ultimate 11tdurandal ultimate 12t
Much like most keyboards out there the F keys double as media keys (F1 through F6) profile selection keys (F7 through F11) and can also be used to turn gaming mode on/off (F12).



durandal ultimate 13t

The LED area is perhaps the best looking part of the Durandal Ultimate and it only gets better when the keyboard is powered on.



durandal ultimate 14t

Here we see the Cherry MX Black switches (featuring up to 50 million keystrokes) paired with large red LEDs.



durandal ultimate 15t

Underneath we see four anti-slip rubber feet and two stands which are also rubber coated.



durandal ultimate 16t

The stands raise the keyboard roughly 15mm from the desk.



durandal ultimate 17t

Right above the right stand we see two USB 2.0 ports and the typical microphone and headphones 3.5mm ports.



durandal ultimate 18t

The Durandal Ultimate comes with a 1.55m braided cable that ends on a single gold plated connector and the 3.5mm microphone and speaker jacks which are also gold plated.