02 - 06 - 2024
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poseidon zxb

   Since we have had the opportunity to review not one but two Poseidon Z mechanical gaming keyboards in the past both of which left us with extremely good impressions we didn't expect anything less from the Poseidon ZX and although i have to admit that it took me a while to get used to the lack of the numeric keypad (GTAV makes use of these keys by default). The good thing about the Poseidon ZX is not so much the reduced size compared to let’s say the regular Poseidon Z but rather the sturdier design which is actually the result of cutting down its length by removing the numeric keypad. The how or the why however matters very little, what does matter is that the Poseidon ZX is a very sturdy mechanical keyboard which should keep going much longer than you'd expect. The driverless "nature" of this keyboard is something that many people will like since it's very easy to use and some may not since this means you get no macro keys and no profiles (personally i like the driverless feature more than having macro keys and profiles). As for the Kailh blue mechanical switches well this is not our first encounter with them so once again you're getting very good tactile feedback with quite a bit of noise (audible feedback) however so if you're looking for something quieter then black and brown switches are more up your alley.

   We all pretty much know that Tt eSPORTS follows a very good pricing plan with their products so it shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you that the Poseidon ZX Mechanical Gaming Keyboard (Kailh Blue Switches) currently retails for USD79.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 85Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). All said and done it goes without saying but if you happen to have lots of space on your desk and you don't attend LAN events then the Poseidon Z should be a better overall solution (and cheaper too). However if you do have limited space or you do attend LAN events then it doesn't get much better than the Poseidon ZX Mechanical Gaming Keyboard by Tt eSPORTS which is why it gets our Golden Award.


- Excellent Build Quality
- Kailh Mechanical Switches
- Size (For Some)
- Key Illumination (4 Levels)
- Driverless
- 5 Years Warranty
- Price (For Some)



- Single Illumination Color
- No Macro Keys