02 - 06 - 2024
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tt esports poseidon z rgb 01t

The Poseidon Z RGB mechanical gaming keyboard is shipped inside a long box that has a large product picture at the front, the company logo, RGB illumination feature, 5 years warranty and the type of switches used.



tt esports poseidon z rgb 02t

You can find the serial number and barcodes for the keyboard at the base of the box.



tt esports poseidon z rgb 03t

A large product picture is placed at the rear right next to the main product features.



tt esports poseidon z rgb 04t

The keyboard is placed inside a bubble wrap and kept in place via two pieces of cardboard.



tt esports poseidon z rgb 05t

In terms of bundle the Poseidon Z RGB lacks behind since inside the box Tt eSPORTS has only placed a quick installation guide and a warranty policy paper.