02 - 06 - 2024
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cougar attack x3 01t

We received the Attack X3 inside a medium sized box that has a product image at the top right next to the company logo and above the features list.



cougar attack x3 02t

At the bottom we see the mechanical switch selection.



cougar attack x3 03t

The specifications table is located at the top of the box right next to two 2D barcodes.



cougar attack x3 04t

A total of 9 pictures placed at the rear are used to showcase the various features of the keyboard.



cougar attack x3 05t

Packaging is standard so once again the keyboard is wrapped inside a plastic bag and held in place via a large piece of cardboard (extension to the box).



cougar attack x3 06t

COUGAR has just placed the user manual inside the box so not much in terms of bundle.