02 - 06 - 2024
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steelseries apex m500 7t Measuring 440.56mm in length, 136.43mm in width and 39.52mm in height the 1241g heavy Apex M500 is roughly identical to the original 6Gv2.



steelseries apex m500 8t

SteelSeries has placed their logo at the top right corner of the keyboard.



steelseries apex m500 9tsteelseries apex m500 10t
F5 and F6 allow you to control the illumination of the keys while F7 through F12 also double as multimedia keys (with the help of the Fn key of course).



steelseries apex m500 11t

The company name and logo are also engraved on the left side of the keyboard.



steelseries apex m500 12t

Here we see the Cherry MX red mechanical switches and the blue steel back plate.



steelseries apex m500 13t

At the rear of the keyboard we see three rubber feet, two height adjusters and 3 grooves used to pass the USB cord.



steelseries apex m500 14tsteelseries apex m500 15tThe height adjusters are rubber coated and can lift the top of the keyboard roughly 12mm from the desk.



steelseries apex m500 16t

Unfortunately the Apex M500 doesn't feature a braided cable or a gold plated USB plug.



steelseries apex m500 17t

The moment you plug the keyboard into a USB port the keys light up at medium brightness.