16 - 06 - 2024
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rapira elite 05t

The Rapira Elite features a nice rubber coating and is large in size measuring 130mm in length, 83mm in width and 40mm in height with a weight of 150g.



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To have a better idea regarding its size we placed it right next to the slightly larger Gamdias Zeus and the smaller Zowie FK1.



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The Rapira Elite comes with two programmable thumb buttons on the left side and the company logo at the rear.



rapira elite 10t

The DPI selection buttons can be used to rotate between the 4 available presets and are also programmable.



rapira elite 11t

The pinky rest area is one of the things we all liked with the NAOS when it was first introduced in the market so we obviously like it here as well.



rapira elite 12t

As expected the scroll wheel can also be used as a button and is also fully programmable (the soft feeling needs getting used to).



rapira elite 13trapira elite 14t
Four large Teflon feet are placed at the base of the Rapira Elite right next to the Avago ADNS9800 sensor and an on/off switch which for the LED illumination.



rapira elite 15t

It's always nice to see a gaming mouse with a braided cable and a gold plated USB plug.