18 - 06 - 2024
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sensei raw 08t

Although glossy may not be the most ideal coating (when it comes to grip) still the Sensei [RAW] Glossy looks and also feels great.



sensei raw 09t 

Size-wise the Sensei [RAW] gaming mouse is the same as the original Sensei, slightly larger than the ROCCAT Savu and a tad smaller than the ZOWIE EC1 eVo. 



sensei raw 10t 

Since the body is the same as the previous Sensei mice it also has two programmable thumb buttons at the left side. 



sensei raw 11t

The SteelSeries logo placed at the rear comes with white illumination. 



sensei raw 12t

As expected two pinky buttons are placed at the right side of the Sensei [RAW]. 



sensei raw 13t

Moving over the logo we see the profile selection button and the power LED. 



sensei raw 14t

The clickable scroll wheel is also the same as the one found in the Sensei and the Sensei MLG and so it's almost perfect thanks to its soft rubber coating. 



sensei raw 15t

Turning the Sensei [RAW] over we see three large UPE feet which according to SteelSeries cover 16% of the total bottom surface and the 5670DPI, 10.8MP, 12000fps laser sensor.



sensei raw 16t

The unit comes with a 2 meter long braided cable and a normal USB connector.