01 - 06 - 2024
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synology ds213plus 01t

The DS213+ arrived inside medium sized white/green box at the front of which we see the Synology logo.



synology ds213plus 02t

A sticker with the specifications and features of the DS213+ along with the contents of the bundle is placed at the left side of the box.



synology ds213plus 03t

At the right side we see more of the units’ features and functions again showcased via several small pictures.



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Synology informs you about where you can find the list of compatible HDDs and also how to start the setup procedure.



synology ds213plus 05t

The DiskStation DS213+ is packed quite well inside a single cardboard piece but without any kind of Styrofoam.



synology ds213plus 06t

Along with the DiskStation DS213+ you will also get an Ethernet cable, the AC power adapter, AC power cable, software CD, several HDD mounting screws, welcome paper and the warranty information paper.