19 - 09 - 2024
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By default, the SECBN51 can fit inside door casings from 30mm and up to 70mm thick but thanks to the included cylinder extension you can even use it on up to 100mm thick doors.



The exterior end of the lock includes the set button, fingerprint scanner and the RFID scanner (Bluetooth connectivity also inside).



Next, we have the cylinder on which we again find contact information for WELOCK.



The rear handle is solid zinc alloy.



The ID printed on the other side of the cylinder is for when you pair the lock to your smartphone.



WELOCK bundles 3 RFID cards with the SECBN51 just in case something happens, and the fingerprint scanner can't be used.



At the front of the lock there's a rubber cover just over the microUSB port and reset button used for emergencies.



To access the battery compartment you will need to remove the zinc alloy cover as seen above (held in place with just a small screw).



Once you install all three AAA batteries you will need to use the large screw found in the bundle to secure the compartment as seen above.



Mounting the SECBN51 requires just removing the handles and the cylinder of your door.



Once you do that just slide the SECBN51 inside as above and you're basically good to go.



Last part is to mount the zinc alloy handle at the rear.